Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thing #7.2 (or 7a)

My newest web find is an instant favorite. I have spent literally hours perusing it's past blogs. When I'm sad, I swing by for a quick pick-me-up. I have shared its contents with my colleagues and they are now addicted too. What is this amazing find?! Why, it's none other than CakeWreck, of course! It has absolutely no educational value whatsoever other than it makes me happy and that keeps me from killing those around me. I have honestly laughed so hard and for so long at this site that I have given myself a headache. Not a good side effect, but well worth the pain. The picture shown here is just a sample of the hours of entertainment found within (thank you Michael H. via Obviously, much of the humor is a subtle humor that only an English teacher could appreciate. Not only are the photos a visual gag, but, often, it's the written voice of the author (Jen) that adds just the right (and oh, so familiar sounding) touch that results in food item spraying forth from my nose. As soon as I was able, I used my new web 2.0 skills to subscribe and now find a jewel in my reader every morning.

Gluten free Girl blogged about an apple festival she attended on "the island." I'm going to assume she means Long Island and not Alcatraz. Apparently, they had 70 (who new) varieties of apples for the tasting and, of course, all the cider one could drink. This reminded me so much of my childhood spent in Michigan and Wisconsin. Every fall, my family and I went to the orchards to pick apples, drink cider, and dunk the all-important plain cake donut in said cider. My mouth watered into a slippery pool down my chin and on to the floor. I MUST HAVE CIDER! NEED DO-NUT! In my hall at school, we do a monthly breakfast; Salinger, Caw and I are in charge in November. I'm thinking apples shall be the theme. MMMMMMM . . . apples. Apple strudel, apple donuts, apple compote, apple salad, apple butter, apple muffins, apple bread, apple cider, apple juice, apple, apple, apple! On a side note, she also included a recipe for GF English muffins I want to try.

Not Martha has also been talking about apples lately. She provided pictures of some exceptionally yummy looking apples she picked on a recent trip to a Seattle area orchard, as well as a link to the most orgasmic looking candied apples I've ever seen. Truly the Ben and Jerry's of candy apples. FYI, candied apples only exist in the south (and frankly, I find the red "goo" not so appetizing because) we only have caramel apples in the mid-west. In all the states I've lived in (that's six, by the way), I had never heard of a "candied" apple until I moved to Georgia (state number 5). Which brings me to another one of NM's posts/links: Recipes you've never heard of outside of your family*. In my family, like most good mid-westerns, we have a plethora of casseroles. My personal favorite, although not specific to my family only, is the chicken noodle or chicken a la king casserole. One I remember from middle school cafeteria is chili mac (that's right . . . chili with macaroni noodles). Not my favorite, however, if you have never attended public school in a farm community, you just don't know what you're missing . . . the food is - mmwah (frenchesque finger kissing sound) - fantastic!

*I'd love to connect you to this post, but, as I write, there seems to be a technical difficulty on Chowhound's end. I do apologize.

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow midwestern northener, I can attest to the casserole craze. The one I remember as being ever present (as present as the green fluff or pink fluff "salad") was Canned Casserole, which consisted, I believe, of canned corn, canned peas, tomato sauce, and other canned things--probably lima beans. Not my favorite, but as predictable as pink fluff. Ah, that brings me back. How about for breakfast I bring the apple pancake thingys? The honeysweets are out, you know. Honeysweeeeets, auchcuchcuchccchhhh (Homer Simpson-esque drooling here).
